Thursday, August 18, 2011

Urban Context of the previous post

Here are two aerial images of the building I wrote about yesterday in the context of the surrounding town of Starkville, Mississippi. You will want to click on them to get a larger version in order to really appreciate them. The source for the top image is the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). It was taken in 2009 during "leaf on" conditions. The yellow circle marks the location of the building being remodeled (the subject of yesterday's post). North is up, and the Borden plant is just across the road to the south. The 2009 image shows the construction taking place at the Borden Plant.

I don't have a source for the bottom image. It was given to all students in a landscape architecture class I took in 2008. If we were given the source I did not preserve it. The image used here is clipped from a much larger image of the town and the Mississippi State campus. The original image shows malfunction junction near the Davis Wade stadium at Scott Field. "Malfunction junction" at MSU is worth a blog entry itself. The presence of this feature means that the image was taken in early 2005 or earlier, since the intersection was demolished in the summer of 2005 and replaced with a an area of open turf and walkways now known simply as "The Junction". The earlier picture, taken in "leaf off" conditions, allows more details of buildings to be seen. You can see how much of the Borden Plant was removed during renovation. The plant had an entire wing right next to the water tower.

Downtown Starkville is in the left part of the image, the western edge of the Cotten District is visible to the right of the cemetery.

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